Hindu College -HCAN Dinner Cruise on 29th September

HCAN Dinner Cruise on September 29th 2018

The HCAN executive committee is pleased to announce that as a part of our annual ongoing entertainment, we will be hosting a Dinner Cruise on September 29th, 2018. The entertainment is tailored for Adults (couples and singles) only.  We encourage all our members to actively participate as this would be our first annual “floating” social getaway. We kindly request our members and friends to mark this date on your calendar and enjoy this “magical evening of festive dinning, drinking and dancing aboard!”

The ticket sales are limited due to boat capacity, therefore we urge all our members, families and friends outside of HCAN to book in advance.  You can email us your request for advance booking at alumni@hinducollegecolombo.com, or contact directly.

We welcome your generous pledges for our Cruise Event and will accommodate individual or group and/or batch sponsorship. We are pleased to announce that few of our members have already pledged a total sum of $1,000 for this up-coming dinner cruise. HCAN executive committee, greatly appreciate your thoughtful contribution.

Further details about ticket prices, time and boarding location will be announced soon!
Below are the contact details for advance booking or donation,

Prakashan Sanmugananthan           (647) 283-9767
Satkuru Buwanendran                        (647) 402-9031
Kalachandran Kanapathipillai           (647) 972-6290
Ganeshanathan Pathmanathan        (416) 994-3623
Nisakaran Somasunderam                (647) 283-4630
Sinnamuthali Selvarajah                    (647) 865-1962
Suren Somasundaram                        (416) 985-1647

2018/2019 Executive Committee
HCAN (Hindu College Alumni of North America)

web:    www.hinducollegecolombo.com
email: alumni@hinducollegecolombo.com