HCAN 2018 Message

March 9th, 2018

Dear Friends,

We wish to take this opportunity to thank the members that attended the 2018 HCAN Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on March 04, 2018. Your continuous interest and support are what make this Alumni, a great success. On behalf of our members, we thank our last year executive committee members for their admirable work and commitment. We appreciate your valuable contribution. A special thanks to our dear member Mr. Balasubramaniam Kulenthiran for his generous sponsorship of our drinks at the AGM held on March 04, 2018.

For those who did not attend, below are few highlights of our last 2018 AGM held on March 04, 2018.

2017 AGM minutes was approved subjected to few changes as requested by the members.

  • The members deferred the approval of the 2017 financial report to the subsequent year. The current auditor will review the 2017 financial statement and presented for approval in 2019 AGM.
  • The following members were selected to serve 2018/2019 Executive Committee,

o    President:                                     Prakashan Sanmugananthan
o    Senior Vice President:                Satkuru Buwanendran
o    Vice President:                             Kalachandran Kanapathipillai
o    Secretary:                                      Ganeshanathan Pathmanathan
o    Treasurer:                                      Nisakaran Somasunderam
o    Director, Communication           Sinnamuthali Selvarajah
o    Director, Projects:                        Suren Somasundaram
o    Auditor:                                          Vijey Senathirajah (Babu)

  • And also was approved the process of transferring the scholarship fund to OBA (Colombo) for the best four students in each subject category.

** The 2017 minutes of our AGM will be updated on our website soon and 2018 will be approved at our upcoming AGM in 2019.

We wish you all the best and hope that you will continue to support HCAN. Stay tuned for our upcoming events by visiting www.hcan.ca.

 2018/2019 Executive Committee